A high response rate thanks to these six elements.

A high response rate is very important when using an autoanamnesis, online follow-up and PROMs. We now have 3 years of experience in achieving the highest possible response rate. Curious how we do thisĀ± we believe the most important ingredient is to ensure that patients see, understand and experience the added value.
In this article we explain six elements of ConsultAssistant that contribute to a high response rate.
Why is a high response rate so important?
If the majority of patients have a completed auto-anamnesis or PROM questionnaire in the EMR, it quickly gets into the doctor's system to check the auto-anamnesis or PROMs for every patient who walks into the consulting room. It becomes routine, the new way of working is adopted.
A high response rate also ensures that a large dataset is created quickly. This quickly leads to useful insights for Value Based Health Care. Which then lead to demonstrable results. Which in turn will lead to more adoption and a positive Business Case.
Six elements that contribute to a high response rate
1. The right packaging
We ensure the right tone of voice in our invitation mails, with a clear call to action in the subject line. We clearly explain the added value for the patient, why use the autoanamnesis? With a simple, clear and fast registration process afterwards. And of course with a responsive design, so that ConsultAssistent can be used on any device.
2. The right questions
The autoanamnesis is the patient's first encounter with questionnaires to support the consultation. The questions should be targeted and appropriate to the patient's situation. The questionnaire itself should not be too long and should have a logical structure.
An adaptive questionnaire that cleverly queries the patient's answers takes care of this. Not only in the auto-anamnesis, but also in the follow-up questionnaires that ask about the answers in the auto-anamnesis.
3. The right invitation timing
We send our invitations at times when patients have time to fill in a questionnaire. With our reminders, we also send an SMS notification or a push message via the hospital's mobile app. We see that this helps.
4. Fully automatic for all patients
A high response rate does not mean a high volume. A high volume can only be achieved by inviting a large number of patients. Ideally, all patients, because auto-anamnesis and PROMs can actually have added value for - almost - all patients. A smart algorithm that automatically invites patients based on appointment data and question modules that are suitable for the entire outpatient population of a speciality make this possible.
We can be brief about the lack of patient e-mail addresses in the EMR: it takes some effort and perseverance, but it is possible to register the e-mail address of a very large proportion of patients. Irrespective of age and background. Many hospitals have already succeeded in doing so, especially if the patient gives permission for this data to be included in the referral information.
5. Proactive control information of the response
Measuring = knowing = steering = results. With ConsultAssistent, we monitor the response in real time. There are dashboards on multiple levels that provide insight into the response to the various questionnaires, for example per policlinic or per doctor. We can proactively signal deviations in the response and inform the clinic accordingly. This enables the outpatient clinic to adjust the processes in a timely and targeted manner. And we see this reflected in a higher response.
6. Patients who notice that the doctor uses the results
If a patient fills in a questionnaire before the hospital visit, it is good to see that something is actually done with it. Chances are that next time, the patient will accept the invitation again and fill in the follow-up questionnaire. ConsultAssistent provides a clear summary of the patient's answers. Reading a report often takes no more than ten seconds. After which the doctor can summarise the picture and, where necessary, ask further questions about the patient's answers. Patients notice this, they like it and it ensures a permanently high response rate. It also makes for a more effective and efficient consultation.
To us, each patient is a customer whom we want to give the best possible experience and support. Just as we try to do for healthcare providers, in compliance with all regulations, of course. Are you curious about how exactly? Contact us and we will be happy to explain it to you.